Transitioning into Autumn

Transitioning into Autumn with Prada

My most favourite thing to do at the moment is sitting in a coffee shop and just literally watching the world go by. As we are now transitioning into autumn and the temperatures start to drop, nothing makes me happier that having a slice of cake with a matcha latte at my favourite coffee shop, while people watching through the window.

I like to watch people and try to figure out what their story is, especially when it’s couples together. I’m sure i’m not the only person  that does this, am I?

sunglasses weather

prada sunglasses


Summer is finally over and what a glorious summer we’ve had here in the UK, it’s been amazing. We do still have sunshine though and I am so grateful for that, because I’m not ready to let go yet. The one fashion item I am definitely transitioning into autumn with is my Prada Sunglasses.

Sunglasses to make you feel like a diva

I am currently obsessed with this pair that I got from SmartBuySunglasses so much that I have hardly taken them off lately. My boyfriend likes to call me the ‘boss lady’ every time I have them on, I have no idea why but I’m totally ok with that.

They’re so versatile which what I like the most about this pair. They very easily can dress up an outfit if you want to show up and show off. I also regularly wear them on school runs to hide the bags under my eyes and look semi decent.

transitioning into autumn


prada sunglasses

I am now at the final stretch of my pregnancy and everything is starting to feel real now. It’s amazing that I have made this far and actually enjoyed the process. I haven’t been blogging as much as I would like to but I do have quite a few updates coming your way. 

We have since found out that we are having a little baby boy and I am slowly coming to terms that I will be living a household forever outnumbered by my boys. The countdown is officially on for when this little one arrives and the belly is definitely growing at an alarming rate. 

My fashion choices have changed quite a bit recently to accommodate the bump, so I do have some blog posts covering that coming up shortly.


prada sunglasses

I am most excited about finally getting to wear layers and boots again. Sounds silly I know, but I love a cozy sweater with a knee high boot. I am also looking forward to finally meeting our little baby, argh not long to go now.

transitioning into autumn

It’s time I stop babbling and wrap this up, but I promise I won’t leave it so long till the next blog post. Till next time beautiful people.

Love the life you’re living!



Amanda Millie
Amanda Millie

I’m dedicated to wellness, constantly striving to be my best self while inspiring others to do the same. Embracing my journey, flaws and all, I’m committed to biohacking for a healthier, longer life—so I can be a present mama for my kids and inspire others to authentically live their best lives too. 💫

Find me on: Web | Twitter/X | Instagram | Facebook


  1. September 28, 2018 / 12:45 am

    Loving the Prada shades, the weather in Seoul has been awesome and hope when I return to the UK it will be good enough as am not yet ready for the cold even if my closet is.
    Anosa recently posted…Ways to Bring Outdoors indoorsMy Profile

  2. September 28, 2018 / 2:03 pm

    I love cosy sweaters too with boots they look great combined. Layering is essential especially for the school runs in the morning it’s getting colder!!!

  3. September 28, 2018 / 3:38 pm

    The glasses are beautiful. I love a bit of Prada. I really like both dresses you are modelling too. Good luck with it all. Make sure you enjoy these last few moments of peace and quiet! It won’t happen again for quite a while!! 😀

  4. September 28, 2018 / 5:00 pm

    Oh you look amazing and your bump is adorable! You look great in those shades and I love that red dress!

  5. September 28, 2018 / 7:22 pm

    I am starting to miss the warm sunshine now but it is almost time to break my cosy knits and books out of hibernation now

  6. September 28, 2018 / 7:33 pm

    As it’s now Autumn here I don’t need sunglasses at the moment, but I am going to on a sun holiday next Spring so I’ll be in need of some good ones then x

  7. September 29, 2018 / 11:36 am

    The Prada sunglasses are gorgeous & totally perfect for autumn. I wear sunnies on the school run too, they help hide the sleep deprived face well. I can see why you’re called the boss with these on, they’re very stylish.

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