Reflecting and Reminiscing.



Reflecting and reminiscing today and I realized how supported and divinely guarded we are ALL the time, even more so at the times we feel alone. Looking back at the last 6 years, I barely recognize the girl I used to be. 

That girl (not woman), was sooo concerned about appearances, so easily swayed by other people’s opinions and too concerned about pleasing everyone at the expense of her own happiness. She had no idea of who she was or who she could become. I remember being constantly unhappy, always judging/comparing myself to other people which of cos made me even more unhappy as I always seemed to fall short.

The time spent trying to “make” relationships I should never even have been in work, when I should’ve been working on my relationship with myself. So many lessons learned, sometimes the hard way.
It took a LOT of inner work to finally get to a place of self love, and acceptance. To embrace all those parts of me I loved and loathed….knowing that it’s ok to love myself. 

As I stand, here’s what I know for sure….no matter what you’re going through right now, tomorrow is a new day and it always works out in the end, so BE YOU! BE FREE! Love the life you’re living. 



Amanda Millie
Amanda Millie

I’m dedicated to wellness, constantly striving to be my best self while inspiring others to do the same. Embracing my journey, flaws and all, I’m committed to biohacking for a healthier, longer life—so I can be a present mama for my kids and inspire others to authentically live their best lives too. 💫

Find me on: Web | Twitter/X | Instagram | Facebook


  1. April 27, 2015 / 10:01 pm

    True to the T, this happens when you allow. However the day you discover, forgive and fall in love with the brand new you; freedom is yours and the sky is the limit.

    Remain blessed.

  2. April 28, 2015 / 10:40 am

    Very true. Nothing is better than looking back at the old you then realising how far you’ve come to become the new and improved you!

    Love this post xoxo

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