Introducing, That Kind Of Love! {Poem}

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This poem is called “‘That Kind Of Love’, by Rebecca Lammersen, and the first time I ever read it I was blown away. It was like she had reached into my soul and seen my heart’s desire, and was now holding a mirror up to me and reminding me not to settle for any less that what what I truly want. Two years later and I want to share this you, not for any other reason than to appreciate and acknowledge how beautiful true love is/ can be/ should be. The  original article containing the poem can be found here. If reading this doesn’t stir up something in you, then gosh….I just don’t know! As for me, sign me up to THAT kind of love please:-) It’s a little on the long side, but totally worth it. 💖

That Kind of Love

Yeah, I believe in love.
The kind you can’t hide from, you know?

The kind of love you miss when
he gets up to go to the bathroom,
or to get a glass of water,
and he walks back in,
like a soldier, comin’ home from an eighteen month deployment.

That kind of love.

The kind of love, when you meet for the first time,
you know he’s the one you want to give your love to—all of it,
hand it over like he was robbing you in the alley,
and your life depended on it.
Even if he ran and you never saw him again,
you’d give him everything you’ve got, cause it’s that kind of love.

The kind of love that drowns you,
in conversations until two in the morning about everything and anything.
You can’t remember the starting point,
you just know you don’t want it to end.

The kind of love television is ban from,
and, when you do watch a movie,
you are more fascinated with the dialogue between your limbs and your fingers to his stubble.
Yeah, that kind of love.

The kind of love that can’t get any deeper,
because if it did you might never surface again.
Like getting pummeled by the wave you just couldn’t catch in time—
Only to get swept in it’s somersault.
There is no way to swim out of it—
You are part of it now.
Up or down doesn’t exist.
Yeah, that kind of love.

The kind of love you can’t fight,
because if you do,
you will always lose, it will overtake you,
despite your efforts.

The kind of love that is impossible to find and impossible to keep,
so you don’t even try.
If it finds you,
you are captured and you have to surrender.

The kind of love that has been stalking you your whole life,
only to become part of the slide show—
you and he growing up in parallel universes,
through the seasons of t-ball and dance classes,
fishing trips and graduations and then,
you t-bone one another somewhere a third through your life,
when you’d given up,
and loneliness became your boyfriend.

The kind of love that uncovers a smile you never knew existed,
and a lightness borrowed from the clouds.

The kind of love that doesn’t want to be patient,
but must learn to be,
because you can’t feel this way, this fast—
It’s not right.
Yeah, that kind of love.

The first date was the final date,
and then, you were just together,
like you had always been.

A kind of love that isn’t kind to time,
it doesn’t want to wait anymore,
it wants to break free and create it’s own clock.

It isn’t great love.
It isn’t making love.
It isn’t perfect love—
It’s life.

The kind of love that brings you to life,
never to die again.
You can’t die,
not with this kind of love in your heart.
You are immortal now.
Yeah, that kind of love.

by Rebecca Lammersen

Whats your favourite, pull at the heart strings love poem? Comment and let me know below. Till next time, Love the life you’re living! Xo





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Amanda Millie
Amanda Millie

I’m dedicated to wellness, constantly striving to be my best self while inspiring others to do the same. Embracing my journey, flaws and all, I’m committed to biohacking for a healthier, longer life—so I can be a present mama for my kids and inspire others to authentically live their best lives too. 💫

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  1. May 5, 2015 / 12:26 am

    I love this poem! It instantly makes me think of my other half. I don’t really have poems, it’s more songs. Paramore – Misery Business reminds me of my OH. I had always liked him since we were teenagers but he was always going out with other people *sigh*

    Laura x x x
    My Life As A Mummy recently posted…Giveaway // SwimshopMy Profile

    • May 5, 2015 / 1:01 pm

      Glad it makes you think of your hubby. Thanks for sharing your song, I actually only just listened to it now because your comment made me curious:-))

    • May 5, 2015 / 12:59 pm

      I totally agree Savi, it really is about the little things.x

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