What I Wore: Banana Republic VIP Fashion Event!

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So last night I attended a Banana republic VIP fashion event that was both showcasing the new Spring/Summer collection and also raising money for the Dress for Success charity. 
Before I go any further about what I wore, I want to quickly talk about this awesome charity. These guys are quietly doing some amazing work helping women who are down on their luck, dress and look the part for their job interviews and consequently when they get the job. Check out their site if you get a chance, I’ve linked to it above. You can donate clothes, your time or money, it’s such a worthwhile cause. Ok I’ve done my little plug, back to the fashion:-)

Now, obviously I wasn’t there as a VIP guest (I wish)! Hmmmmn I’m kind of selling myself a little short here, I just realised. I mean, why wouldn’t I be there as a VIP guest? I can be vip too, if I want to right? Who gets to decide things anyway! Alas on this occasion I was in work mode, I got lost a little in all that vip talk, let me regroup and carry on, *deep breathe*. Phew, ok so I was on the clock, modelling the spring/summer collection for their VIPs. What usually happens, (to me anyway) on these kind of jobs, is that half the time I don’t like the clothes they make me wear so I literally just pretend that I look like a million bucks, whilst counting down till I can take it off and wear my own stuff;-). Oops, I guess I shouldn’t really say that should I? Maybe I should rephrase that to be a little more ‘PC’……..nah, on second thoughts maybe not. Moving right along…… View Post

Amanda Millie
Amanda Millie

I’m dedicated to wellness, constantly striving to be my best self while inspiring others to do the same. Embracing my journey, flaws and all, I’m committed to biohacking for a healthier, longer life—so I can be a present mama for my kids and inspire others to authentically live their best lives too. 💫

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