This poem is called “‘That Kind Of Love’, by Rebecca Lammersen, and the first time I ever read it I was blown away. It was like she had reached into my soul and seen my heart’s desire, and was now holding a mirror up to me and reminding me not to settle for any less that what what I truly want. Two years later and I want to share this you, not for any other reason than to appreciate and acknowledge how beautiful true love is/ can be/ should be. The  original article containing the poem can be found here. If reading this doesn’t stir up something in you, then gosh….I just don’t know! As for me, sign me up to THAT kind of love please:-) It’s a little on the long side, but totally worth it. 💖
That Kind of Love
Yeah, I believe in love.
The kind you can’t hide from, you know?
The kind of love you miss when
he gets up to go to the bathroom,
or to get a glass of water,
and he walks back in,
like a soldier, comin’ home from an eighteen month deployment.
That kind of love. View Post