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Hey, I’m Amanda Millie - model, wellness guide, and content creator—here to share real stories, soulful insights, and practical tools for healing, growth, and self-discovery. This blog is your space to reconnect, realign, and thrive. Let’s dive in!

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Hey lovelies! 🌟 It’s high time I shared my incredible positive home birth story, three months after welcoming my little bundle of joy.

hypnobirthingwe set up a birth pool and led candles in my living room.

These past months have been a whirlwind, and I’m still in awe of being a mother of two. Gratitude fills my heart as I reflect on this journey, embracing the challenges that led to Nami’s arrival just as I envisioned, with a few twists along the way.

Fresh Beginnings!

Gratitude flows for the love and support during my pregnancy, driven by a desire for a different birthing experience after a traumatic one with Ty eight years ago.

Upon discovering my pregnancy, I delved into research, discovering the Positive Birth company’s digital course and hypnobirthing, transforming my perspective.

positive home birth

A Pause in Plans?

Surges all day suddenly halted around 5 PM one day—unexpected, disappointing, yet probably a blessing. A sinus infection and bladder issues struck, demanding attention before the anticipated birth journey.

positive home birth
at this point I felt like I was going to be pregnant forever

Anticipation Builds!

positive home birth
9 months pregnant and feeling as big as a house!

A week post-antibiotics, surges started at 4:30 AM, losing my mucous plug. Initially calm, surges intensified throughout the day. Family, doula on standby, yet part of me believed it could be a false alarm.

For those of you who don’t know what that is, a mucous plug pretty much seals the cervix and prevents any bacteria entering the uterus.

Into the Storm!

water birth at home
Things got even more intense

By evening, surges were closer. At 8 PM, every 10 minutes; at 10 PM, every 7 minutes. Midnight brought them to 5 minutes apart, signaling it was time to alert the doula. Amidst the intensity, a curious baking incident unfolded as my partner decided it was pumpkin pie o’clock.


Mid-labor, B proudly baked a pumpkin pie to cheer me up, but the tray’s unexpected detachment turned our living room into an accidental pie art exhibit. The challenges of multitasking during childbirth!

pumpkin pie
The pie we never got to eat!

A Night to Remember!

As surges intensified, doula and midwives were called. Surges at 3 minutes meant it was go-time. Internal exams indicated I was 8 cm dilated, surprising yet reassuring. The birthing pool plan shifted to the couch, my body pushing naturally.

positive home birth

The Dance of Birth!

With every surge, I felt it all—a stark contrast from my medicated birth experience with Ty. Pushing became a teasing dance, a rollercoaster of emotions. Eighteen minutes later, our encaul-born Nami made his entrance, a culmination of pain, joy, and triumph.

Embracing the Joy!

Munchkin arrived on a Tuesday morning, and these 14 weeks have been a journey of love and joy. For anyone considering a home birth, hypnobirthing is a game-changer, and a Positive Birth company course is a solid recommendation.

free birth story
welcome to the world Namiko
giving birth at home
Holding Nami for the 1st time!

Munchkin was born on a Tuesday morning. It’s been 14 weeks since his arrival and life has certainly been different but it’s been full of love and so much joy.

hypnobirth baby
3 months of absolute joy
sleepy baby
so peaceful

Stay tuned for more insights and recommendations in my upcoming post. If you enjoyed this, share it, and let’s keep the conversation going. Would you opt for a home birth? Share your thoughts below.

Until next time, cherish the life you’re living!

Amanda xoxo


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