I have a message for you, I say YOU because I believe it will resonate with whoever it is supposed to reach. So I literally had one of the most bizarre of days today, you know those random days when you get people that you thought were in your past suddenly popping up out of nowhere? Yup, that was me today. I guess sometimes we get these triggers and they take us back to those moments of vulnerability where we feel uncertain about ourselves. I’m probably going to write a blog post about it, but for now I want to say…….
This is a message to the girl (or guy) who always has a smile on her face, never letting anyone get close enough to see the pain behind the smile. Always giving, never receiving…..always loving but unable to receive love or even give love to yourself. You strive to be seen, for just ONE person to acknowledge what a beautiful soul you are, yet you hide behind the wall you’ve built. A wall built from years of pain, disappointment, hurt, heartbreak, a childhood full of uncertainty and betrayal.
They look at you, and they think they know you, but really they have no idea because they only see what you are willing to show.
You have so much to say, so much you want to share yet you hide from the spotlight, too scared of the opinions of people who contribute nothing to your well being. It’s time to set yourself free and start living!
Today I want to tell you that you ARE loved, you are beautiful, you are enough and I SEE you. Your voice matters, there is nobody else in this world that has your voice, your message, your being. It’s time to peel away the layers and live in the truth of who you are.
Much love, xo
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